Geology & Subsurface
Underground Storage – LPG, Natural Gas
UIC Class I & III Solution Mining Wells
Cavern & Brine Ponds
Hydrocarbon Storage Caverns
Geotechnical Investigations
Geologic Investigations
Porosity Storage
GIS Mapping
Permitting for all UIC Well Classes includes:
Geologic Characterization and Reservoir Evaluation
Area of Review Evaluations
Fluid Containment Evaluation
Facility Operation Plans
Drilling Prognosis
Coring & Testing Programs
Well & Casing Design
Surface Operations Design
Design of Instrumentation & Control Systems
Chemical Compatibility Studies
Waste Characterization
Plugging & Abandonment Plans
Drilling & Completion includes:
Well Site Management
Geologic Supervision
Execution of Well Surveys & Testing Programs
Well Stimulation
Regulatory Compliance includes:
Maximum Authorized Operating Pressure (MAOP) Reporting
Emergency Response
Mechanical Integrity Tests (MIT)
Pressure Fall-Off Tests—Planning, Execution & Analysis
Static Fluid Measurements
Step-rate Testing & Analysis
3-Dimensional Mapping (SONAR) Analysis
Well Workovers, Maintenance & Repair
State & Federal Monitoring Reports
Well Closure (Plugging and Abandonment)
GIS & CAD Mapping
Well Feasibility & Risk Assessment
Injection Wells & Underground Injection Control (UIC)
UIC Regulatory Background
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has defined a well as “a bored, drilled, or driven shaft whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension; or, a dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension; or, a subsurface fluid distribution system”. An injection well is used to place fluid underground into porous geologic formations.
The use of injection wells dates to the 1930’s when they were widely used for the disposal of produced water generated during oil production. In the 1950s chemical companies began injecting industrial wastes into deep injection wells.
With the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in 1974 congress required the USEPA to among other things “develop minimum federal requirements for injection practices that protect public health and prevent contamination of underground sources of drinking water”. The USEPA accomplished this through the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program and developed minimum requirements for 6 classes of UIC wells.
Class I Industrial and Municipal Waste
Disposal Wells
Class II Oil and Gas Related Injection Wells
Class III Solution Mining Wells
Class IV Shallow Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Injection Wells
Class V Wells for Injection of Non-hazardous Fluids into or Above Underground Sources of Drinking Water
Class VI Geologic Sequestration Wells
Managing & Maintaining Your UIC Wells
Injection well design, permitting and operation are overseen by either a state or tribal agency if their respective programs meet minimum federal UIC requirements and USEPA has granted primacy. If not, USEPA implements the program directly through one of its regional offices.
What Strata Can Do For You
If you own, operate or are considering an injection well let Strata provide the technical and regulatory services necessary to navigate the maze of regulations.
The Strata team have completed underground injection control (UIC) permits and have provided field activity supervision for facilities throughout the country. We have experience in all aspects of deep wells ranging from feasibility studies and well design, installation, maintenance, and testing. Strata staff are experienced with permitting issues for both new and existing deep wells related to facility operations throughout the region. The Strata team personnel have experience working with local and regional governmental agencies, waste disposal facilities, and the USEPA.
Our clients list includes midstream pipeline and storage facilities, and solution mining companies, which utilize UIC Class I injection for disposal of process water and/or the production of brine for cavern development in solution mining operations. Others include oil and gas and industrial clients utilizing porosity for natural gas storage in UIC Class II wells.
Class I & Class II Well Work / Groundwater Compliance
Strata couples the advantages of personalized service with technical expertise in all phases of Class I and Class III well work. Our professional staff can provide a turnkey service, providing permitting, workplans, workover services, and summary reporting capabilities that meet or exceed regulatory requirements.
The Strata team has many years of experience in this environment, and are uniquely qualified to work with Compliance Managers and Project Managers to insure that projects are done cooperatively, responsibly, and within budget. Strata has provided compliance and project management, along with regulatory support, to numerous clients over the years, encompassing all elements of environmental programs and regulations. Over the years, long term relationships have been developed with companies and individuals within these companies. Some of the larger companies include Koch Industries, ONEOK, Williams Energy Services, Enterprise Products Operating, LLC, North American Salt (Compass Minerals), and Northern Natural Gas. Strata has also developed relationships with numerous smaller companies over the years, and values each client that trusts our company to provide services to them.
Strata Capabilities
Our team has years of combined downhole well experience and are familiar with state and federal regulators throughout the country. Strata offers engineering and geology services where licensed. Our staff provides technical consulting and field services regarding a wide variety of issues to ensure the continued operation of all classes of injection wells including solution mining of salt and fluid waste injection.
Examples of Strata UIC Work
Strata has performed Class I well workovers including removal and replacement of well tubing, wellhead and packer for clients in various industries for over a decade. These projects include design, plan and report submittals to State regulatory agencies and the execution of field activities with field oversight and problem solving provided by experienced staff of experts.
Strata has performed compliance logging and testing, including casing inspection logs, MITs, and cement bold logs, for depleted reservoir/porosity natural gas storage operators in Kansas and Oklahoma. Strata has also prepared work plans and executed the plugging and abandonment of natural gas storage wells and the workover of natural gas storage wells and water supply wells. These workovers included cementing liners, replacing wellhead equipment, and conducting nitrogen lifts to remove sediment.
Strata put together a highly-qualified team of experts to install the first horizontal well for sandstone porosity storage in Iowa. Strata geologists performed stratigraphic analysis, supervised vertical and horizontal drilling, logging, completion, cementing, perforation and acidizing of the 3,045 foot well. Strata worked around the clock to install the first endeavor of its kind in Iowa.
Strata has re-permitted and completed regulatory compliance testing for Class I injection wells at this active salt solution mining facility since 2004.
Strata has overseen Class I pressure fall-off testing and Mechanical Integrity Testing (MIT) for clients in the salt solution mining, natural gas, chemical production and natural gas liquids industries since 2004. Strata has been successfully and reliably performing compliance testing and analysis in Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, and Utah.
Strata has completed regulatory compliance testing for Class III salt solution mining wells at an active facility since 2004. Tasks include the preparation of work plans and reports for well workovers, gamma logging, MITs and SONAR logging. Strata has also provided field oversight of these activities. Strata has developed 3-dimensional evaluation techniques of UIC Class III well assessment, which provides an analysis on cavern growth to more effectively determine strategies for salt production mining facility.
Strata led the permitting of two Class I non-hazardous injection and natural gas storage wells in solution-mined bedded salt caverns at a proposed natural gas storage facility.
Strata permitted a new Class III salt solution mining gallery. As part of the permitting process, Strata prepared the drilling prognosis, and then executed the prognosis overseeing the drilling and completion operations.
Provided regulatory support for Industry during development of new Underground Hydrocarbon Storage Wells Regulations in Kansas and Utah. Strata staff were members of an industry wide working group, which communicated and met with Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) staff on a regular basis during development of the Underground Hydrocarbon Storage Well regulations for the State of Kansas. Strata staff worked closely with industry stakeholders, and was present at many high level meetings between industry and KDHE during development of the new regulations. Following completion of the new regulations in Kansas, Strata staff were recommended by KDHE to assist in development of similar regulations in Utah. Strata staff met with member of the Utah regulatory community and prepared draft procedures for operation of hydrocarbon storage wells in that state.
Completed the Permit Application to operate a hydrocarbon storage facility, following newly promulgated regulations in the State of Kansas. This included development of new operating procedures that allowed compliance with the new regulations. Procedures and operations manuals were completed for ground subsidence, groundwater monitoring, development of a SCADA system (with data archival and real time analysis features, alarm systems, automatic shut down, emergency procedures, minimum and maximum operating pressure, flow rate, temperature), sonar testing procedures, mechanical integrity testing, gamma ray and density testing, casing inspection logging, and cement bond logging. Application scope of work also included analysis of a core taken from the salt section, including geomechanical analysis of the salt section.
Completed the Permit Application to operate a natural gas storage facility, following newly promulgated regulations in the State of Kansas. This included development of new operating procedures that allowed compliance with the new regulations. Procedures and operations manuals were completed for ground subsidence, groundwater monitoring, development of a SCADA system (with data archival and real time analysis features, alarm systems, automatic shut down, emergency procedures, minimum and maximum operating pressures, flow rate, temperature), sonar testing procedures, mechanical integrity testing, gamma ray and density testing, casing inspection logging, and cement bond logging. Application scope of work also included analysis of a core taken from t he salt section, including geomechanical analysis of the salt section.
Strata staff developed the individual groundwater monitoring plans and compliance networks at two facilities, following completion of a geologic and hydrogeologic investigation designed to determine the appropriate number and location of monitoring wells. Strata staff worked with the regulatory agencies and Company staff to develop and secure approval of the plan. Upon approval of the plans, Strata field geologists supervised the completion of over 6000 feet of drilling (88 separate monitoring wells) at the two separate facilities in the span of 30 days. Upon completion of the field work, Strata completed summary reports on all drilling activities, updated the groundwater monitoring plans accordingly, and completed all required regulatory documentations and submittals. Strata field staff currently complete quarterly monitoring of the wells, and submit summary reports to the client for submittal to the regulatory agency.
Item description
Item description
Strata has provided Permitting, field, and operational support for Class 1 disposal wells in Kansas, including mechanical integrity testing, fall-off testing, and static fluid level measurements. Strata has also worked with facility staff to complete required Strata to the regulatory agencies, including summary reports for field testing, monthly disposal well reports, and annual reports.
Class I Permitting, Natural Gas Storage Facility, Kansas (2009): Permitted two Class I non-hazardous disposal wells at a proposed Class III natural gas storage facility.
Class I Well Site Evaluation, Ector County, TX: Conducted a geologic and regulatory feasibility (fatal flaw) analysis of installing a UIC Class I well. The analysis showed that conditions were favorable for the installation of a low volume, high pressure disposal well.
Class I Non-Hazardous Injection Well Siting Study, Refinery Company, near Santa Maria, California: Oversight of a study to evaluate the practical merits of using a Class I well for disposal of mineralized waste water. The evaluation encompassed local and regional geologic conditions capable of accepting injected waste water in a regulatory acceptable manner established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region IX. Conclusions determined by the feasibility analysis reflected that conditions were favorable for installation of a UIC Class I well.
Class I Non-Hazardous Injection Well, Coal Mining Operation, Southern Illinois: Management of the regulatory compliance testing of a new UIC Class I well for a coal mining operation. The testing included pressure fall-off test, mechanical integrity test, and step-rate testing. Analysis and final reports were submitted to the Illinois EPA. The results allowed startup operations of the well to proceed.
Class I Permitting, Evaporation Facility, Kansas: Strata has permitted and re-permitted Class I and III wells at this active salt solution mining facility.
Class I Well Compliance Testing, multiple clients across Kansas (ongoing since 2004): Oversight of Class I pressure fall-off testing and Mechanical Integrity Test (MIT).
Class I Well Workovers, multiple clients and locations (ongoing): Performance of Class I well workovers including removal and replacement of well tubing and packer, including plan and report submittal to State regulatory agency.
Class III Permitting, Evaporation Facility, Kansas: Strata has permitted and re-permitted Class I and III wells at this active salt solution mining facility.
Class III Compliance, Evaporation Facility, Kansas (ongoing since 2004): Completion and field oversight of regulatory compliance tasks and MIT’s for many Class III salt solution wells at an active salt solution mining facility. Tasks include the preparation of work plans and reports for well workovers, gamma, SONAR logging, and pressure testing well casings for regulatory compliance. Strata has developed 3-dimensional evaluation techniques of UIC Class III well assessment, which provide an analysis on cavern growth to more effectively determine management strategies for salt production. Plans and reports required by regulatory agency.
Ryan Serrette
Subsurface Gulf Coast
Chad Milligan
Subsurface Mid Continent